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    Sunday 4 November 2012

    Overview About Homeopathy

    Overview About Homeopathy
    History of Homeopathy:

    200 years ago there was a German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann creates a system of alternative medicine. Hahnemann studied medicine at Leipzig and Vienna taking the degree of M.D, so that Dr Samuel Hahnemann is Founder of Homeopathy.

    When he was a doctor, many patients are loss blood and he did treatments with heavy metals and chemicals. That chemical has side-effects, which is more dangerous than the diseases. So that doctor decides to create an alternative systematic procedure in the late 1700s, for that treatment for better health results. A formality that an alternative system is called Homeopathy, the medicines are called Homeopathic Medicine and treatment is called Homeopathic Treatment.

    What is Homeopathic Medicine?

    Homeopathic medicine is made from the Herbal substance, which stimulate the body's healing process. Consequently, it gently helps restore health and harmony. It's non chemical and non toxic substance so it doesn't show any side-effects.

    Presently, most of the people have an awareness about homeopathy and conventional treatment and they are experiencing it wonderful cures any type of disease.

    Homeopathic medicines are following all WHO (World Health Organization) regulations and it's approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There is no age limitation to use homeopathic medicines for infants to an old age person include pregnant women also use homeopathic medicines.

    Homeopathy India:

    Present India has 250 registered homeopathic clinics, More than 2.5 lakhs medical practitioners, 185 UnderGraduate colleges and 33 Post Graduate colleges in India.

    Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy are formally called AYUSH. The AYUSH a part of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India from 2001 onwards. The AYUSH tie up with CSIR and form TKDL to prevent all chronic diseases.

    Homeopathic treatments:

    Homeopathic treatment has removed troublesome symptoms. Generally Homeopathic doctor prescribes Holy medicine, it acts as a boost for Immune system to do the body's function.

    The Homeopathic treatment depends upon many factors such as: Symptoms, Causes, Physical and Emotional stages of the body. It is safe and maintain to improving your health.

    Naturally our body has some Holistic healing power to attack common diseases. With Homeopathic substance, the body's healing power increase and keep it same manner to cure chronic diseases. Generally Homeopathic treatment time depends on the nature and severity of the disease, but it's safe and doesn't show any side-effects.

    Most of the people concern drug oriented conventional medicines have toxic and side-effect. Even conventional medicines don't show the side-effects now, could be severe in the future. Consequently, they must face a lot of health problems.

    In the present life most of the Patients not taking medicines as doctor prescribed amount, they take more than the prescribed amount. So that body loss resistant power and germs gaining resistant power.

    Precautions of homeopathic medicines:

    Most of the medicines are in the form of power and tablets, don't touch the substances.Take medicines 15 minutes before of the meals or after one hour of the meals, don't take with meals.If you are using multi tablets for multi diseases like diabetes and thyroid problems, inform it to the doctor.Don't take medicines without doctor prescription, even your relatives have the same diseases don't use your medicines.Don't take any alcoholic drinks, smoking, other beverage drinks.Medicines store anywhere, but don't store in the sunlight or other items like onions.

    World's Second largest Homeopathic treatment and medicines can stimulate body's metabolism and cure thyroid problems and other chronic diseases without any side effects. Providing Complementary Medicine, Holistic And Alternative Medicine offers plus alternative medical system information online.
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