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    Monday 12 November 2012

    Treating Enuresis (Bed-Wetting) With Chiropractic Care

    Treating Enuresis (Bed-Wetting) With Chiropractic Care
    What It Is & Who It Affects

    Bed-Wetting is potentially a humiliating problem for children and, at times, equally as frustrating for their parents. While many children wet the bed during the first few years of their lives, they should be able to establish bladder control by ages four or five. The term used to define the inability to properly control the bladder is "enuresis," and can refer to either daytime or night-time involuntary urination.

    Primary enuresis occurs when a child over five years has never been able to establish proper bladder control. Secondary enuresis occurs when a child or teen who has been able to establish proper bladder control, but has regressed back to bed-wetting. Boys are slightly more likely to wet the bed than girls. ("Enuresis n.d.") In all cases, however - primary or secondary, boy or girl, child or teen - chiropractic care is an ideal form of all-natural treatment since bed-wetting is oftentimes due to a spinal misalignment.

    A Possible Cause of Enuresis

    Many parents want to know exactly what causes their child to struggle with enuresis. Unfortunately, bed-wetting is often viewed as just a childhood problem that needs to be outgrown and no treatment is ever sought. There may be a cause for the bed-wetting; however, including possible irritation to the nervous system from abnormal spinal alignment. ("Enuresis n.d.")

    The body has specific muscles that tell the bladder to empty. The nerve supply to these muscles is by way of the sacral parasympathetic nerves. The urogenital diaphragm, which receives its nerve supply from a spinal nerve, also controls bladder function. In addition, the sacrum (tailbone) develops as five separate segments until they fuse together in adulthood. Because the segments are separated throughout childhood, their misalignment can cause nerve irritation, especially to the bladder area. (Fysh, 1993) Due to this possibility of nerve and spinal involvement in bed-wetting, a natural choice for treatment is to seek chiropractic care.

    How Chiropractic Care Can Make a Difference

    The results of one nocturnal enuresis study conducted on children strongly suggested the effectiveness of chiropractic care, with wet night frequency significantly decreasing post-treatment. (Reed, Beavers, Reddy, Kern, 1994)At the appointment, a Doctor of Chiropractic will complete a thorough examination of the child, teen, or adult before performing a gentle spinal adjustment. ("An unexpected natural cure," n.d.) These adjustments are part of a safe and effective treatment plan aimed at stopping or reducing the frequency of bed-wetting occurrences. In addition, chiropractic care is free of medications or surgery, offering an all-natural alternative to managing enuresis and improving overall health.


    . Chiropractic BioPhysics.
    An Unexpected Natural Cure for a Humiliating Problem
    . Choose Natural.
    Beavers, S., Kern, G., Reddy, S.K., and Reed, W.R.: Chiropractic Management of Primary Nocturnal Enuresis
    . 1994 Nov-Dec; 17(9):596-600. Fysh, Peter. Chiropractic Management of Enuresis. Dynamic Chiropractic. 1993, July 11(16)
    Dr. Rick Galla, Chiropractor at Galla Chiropractic. If you or someone you know is suffering from bed-wetting come to my office and find out if chiropractic care is a solution for you. Quick, simple and effective care. Please visit my website gallachiropractic.com or topencinitaschiropractor.com. Providing Complementary Medicine, Holistic And Alternative Medicine offers plus alternative medical system information online.
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