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    About Us

    What Does Foodnutritionhealthblog.blogspot.com Do?

    Our mission at Foodnutritionhealthblog.blogspot.com is to publish and share interesting and useful food, nutrition, general health, complementary and alternative health information with our readers. This information may be useful to them in their everyday lives.

    We at Foodnutritionhealthblog.blogspot.com are not physicians hence do not recommend that our readers use information on our website food, drink, health advice for their lifestyle and health issues. We recommend that our readers consult their qualified and registered doctor for medical advice on any health ailments. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only.

    We publish all food, nutrition & health articles on this website for information purposes only, information which would help our readers ask relevant questions when they consult with their doctors. We will not be liable for any errors, omissions etc. that may be attributable to any of the information within our publications.

    What Foodnutritionhealthblog.blogspot.com Is Not

    We are not equipped to host a health information forum and we don't give medical advice. We are not an advocacy group. We don't allow commenters to promote products on our website. We are quite busy with "simply" the job of creating and publishing interesting and useful health information for this website.

    Almost every day, someone urges us to expand our scope of work beyond our capabilities and comfort limits - such as emailing us for health and medical advice. We are not qualified to give health advice and would not do so. Thank you for understanding.

    If you found our articles interesting and/or useful, kindly subscribe to have them delivered to your inbox via email.

    Thank you for visiting.

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