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    Saturday 17 November 2012

    Breathe: Why Smokers Might Be Healthier Than You

    Breathe: Why Smokers Might Be Healthier Than You
    I think you know how important it is to breathe. I've never met anyone determined to stop breathing for a very long period of time. But did you know that paying attention to how you breathe can make a big difference for your health? The way you breathe matters. Deep breathing is very important for oxygenating your cells. Also, breathing is the best way your body releases toxins.

    So how do we need to breathe? Make sure when you inhale to use your diaphragm. Ask any singer to help you, if you don't know what that means. Let the air expand fully into your lungs. Feel the stomach and middle back filling with air.

    Take slow deep breaths in through your nose, then, hold the air in, to let the oxygen get into your system. Finally, slowly, release the breath through your mouth. Let all the air out. Saying the word "help" at the end of a breath can help to push all the air out completely.

    It can be helpful to count as you breathe. There are a lot of ratios out there, and you can pick one that works for you. The one I suggest here, I got from Tony Robbins. His ratio is, inhale for one count, hold for four, and exhale for a count of two. Start with lower numbers and work your way up when you are more comfortable: in for a count of seven, hold for a count of 28, and release for a count of 14.

    Now why did I say your friends who smoke might be healthier than you? People who smoke take frequent breaks from work to smoke. What does smoking require? Deep breathing. Researchers say that the reason people feel relaxed when smoking is not the cigarette itself, but the deep breathing.
    So what am I suggesting? No please don't take up a smoking habit. What I do suggest is that you also take breaks out of your day. Take breaks to breathe.

    Set alarms on your phone every few hours to remind you to take a break at least 3 times a day. When an alarm goes off, take a walk out of the office (maybe not to where the smokers go) and take about 10 deep breaths. It's good for your mind and your body. And I'll bet you'll feel much better when you get back to work.

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