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    Wednesday 24 October 2012

    How Can Moving Your Body Improve Your Chronic Disease?

    How Can Moving Your Body Improve Your Chronic Disease?
    Exercise has gotten such a bad reputation! Do you know why many people are unmotivated to engage in such an essential wellness activity? We have unfortunately learned through the media that exercise has to be intense, long, or that a gym membership is necessary for exercise to "really count". When we think of exercise, we may only envision challenging activities like running, or negative images in our minds may emerge from hearing sayings like "No pain, No gain". Why would we want to be in pain to gain something? I personally wouldn't. All the media influence combined with our own preconceived notions, deter us from doing something that is not as difficult as we may imagine. Folks, we just need to get our bodies moving. Marathons, and hour long work outs are not required, or necessary to reap the benefits.

    If you have not engaged in regular movement aka exercise in a long time, it is important to start slow and have patience as you build up to your desired endurance. I always recommend building up to at least thirty minutes per day. Here is a simple and practical endurance plan for you: Start with ten or fifteen minutes of movement per day, and maintain this routine for at least a month. Then, increase yourself up to twenty minutes per day for a month. Continue until you have built yourself up to thirty minutes per day. Here is a creative suggestion for folks who are extremely busy: Split the time into two sessions. Do fifteen minutes in the morning, and fifteen in the evening. Last, but perhaps most important is to pick something you enjoy. For me, it's Yoga all the way. I get everything that I need from Yoga; strength, flexibility, toning, coordination, stamina, relaxation, mental clarity and the list goes on. But the possibilities are endless, try exercise videos with yoga, cardio dance, pilates, go for a walk, try running, or take a Latin dancing class. If the gym is your thing, sign up for a gym membership and split your time between cardio and weight lifting. Pick a movement activity that feels good to you. We are all different and therefore need different things.

    Your body needs movement to complete essential processes that do not occur as efficiently otherwise. This is particularly vital for people living with chronic conditions. Movement assists your body in maintaining strong immunity by activating your precious lymphatic system. This is a network of vessels that carry a fluid called lymph throughout your body. This fluid is responsible for removing and filtering substances, as well as transporting lymphocytes where they are needed. Lymphocytes are your infections fighters, therefore they can prevent many illnesses. They are your army. They defend you. By moving your body, you kick start your lymphatic system which needs you because unlike the heart it does not have a pump to filter out toxins. If you don't move your body, this system can't activate and protect you. So commit to taking care of yourself with movement. Help your body, help you.

    Lorena P. Lues, CHHC, CPRP, CTRS

    I help people who struggle to manage their chronic condition and would like to get back to enjoying their life, in spite of their diagnosis. I am a certified health coach who has over 18 years of life experience recovering from an autoimmune disorder. I have lived the deep painful daily struggle, and real life experience of a life threatening condition. The powerful combination of real life experience, and my knowledge is key in assisting my clients meet their ultimate wellness goals.

    Request your initial strategy session. A fifty minute consultation to find out how working with me can permanently change your life and the course of your chronic condition. utopia-wellness.com. Providing Complementary Medicine, Holistic And Alternative Medicine offers plus alternative medical system information online.
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